The Juri Korchagin oil field is located in the northern part of the Caspian Sea. There, the Lukoil company wanted to build an ice-resistant drilling platform that would consist of two blocks: the production facility and the accommodations. In order to ram the foundation pipes with an outer diameter of 84 inches (2,134 millimetres) and a length of up to 71 metres, our client needed a powerful machine with a powerful crane and grab unit. Only with this was it possible to grab the pipes lying on their side and also hold them during the erection - because this process requires a high and stable tension.

After a detailed consultation, we came up with the ideal solution together with the customer: We rented him a MS-240 HHF vibrator unit in combination with an MS-A 1150 V power pack. On the construction site, the vibrator was placed on its side. Then the pipes were gripped on the side, set up and placed in a so-called conductor. This pile-driving guide prevents the pipes from slipping when they are positioned. Afterwards, they were first brought to a low pile-driving depth with a vibrator and then driven in with a hydraulic hammer. Several challenges had to be mastered at the same time: The lubricating oil was not allowed to leak from the inside of the vibrator, nor was a pipe allowed to sink into the sea as a result of a handling error or slip during insertion.
The work was completed on schedule to the great satisfaction of all involved. In a second construction phase, the further expansion of the drilling platform took place - our MS-240 HHF was also used here again.
Data & Facts
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