Our proven steel sheet piling is the classic solution for flood protection. A flexible and highly cost-effective solution, it has been used for decades all around the world. Mostly used for
permanent systems, steel sheet piling can also serve as a base for temporary systems.
This opens up a wide range of possibilities for the design of optimum flood defense solutions.
In a flood, dikes are subjected to enormous loads. Often, they are no longer capable of meeting these loads as the increasing regularity of flood disasters was not foreseen by their builders. Here, our steel sheet piling offers an efficient and cost-effective solution because it can be installed quickly and easily in both existing and new dikes to stabilize and seal the dike and increase its load-bearing capacity.
Sheet piling is flexible and can follow the movements of the dike, ensuring long-term stability and watertightness. If necessary, the sheet pile interlocks can be sealed. Various bituminous materials are available for this. These sealants can be installed in the interlocks either at the factory on-site. One particularly reliable solution is the terra interlock sealing system made from a polymer. This seal is fitted into the interlocks at the factory and is suitable for all methods of sheet pile installation.
If the piling is used for a visible wall, the polymer seal is particularly recommended as it is heat-resistant and does not run out of the interlocks in the heat of the sun. Naturally, all recommended sealing systems are groundwater-neutral and ecologically safe. Ecological reasons also clearly favour the use of sheet pile walls. As 100% steel products they are particularly environment friendly as they can be removed without residues and reused.
- New dike construction and dike repairs
- Dike raising
- Base for further flood defense structures such as terra glass wall systems or demountable flood barriers
As well as hot-rolled sheet piling, cold-rolled piling sections are used for flood protection. They are cold-formed from flat material into sheet piling profiles and are mainly used for sealing purposes. They are a long-proven low-cost solution. In general they are used in the same way as hot-rolled sheet piling sections, taking their load-bearing properties into account. Production is cost-effective and service properties are ideal for many flood protection applications. The visible parts of the pile wall can be architecturally enhanced in various ways, including painting, brick facing, facing elements, greening, etc. Sheet piling in dikes is a prerequisite for mobile dike-top systems used to temporarily raise the height of dikes when there is a risk of flooding. It also forms an ideal base for raising the flood protection level of glass systems and protective walls.
When existing dikes or flood defense systems are not high enough for extreme flood situations, steel sheet pile wall modules can be used as permanent or temporary flood defense solutions. They can be used cost-efficiently as dike raising elements and dike openings to protect residential and working areas in densely populated zones.
- New construction and rehabilitation of dikes
- Protection of residential and working areas
- Densely populated zones
- Dike raising elements
- Dike openings
- Basis for further flood protection structures such as terra tk glass wall systems or mobile flood protection systems
- Absorb all static and dynamic forces generated by the flood
- Stability of the dike is guaranteed even if most of the water-side section of the dike is already erode
- Prevents dike seepage and erosions
- Different groundwater levels on either side of the dike can be offset by staggered driving or slitting of the sheet piles
- Sheet pile walls are so flexible that they follow the movements of the ground without being damaged

A particularly attractive solution for flood protection is the shatterproof terra glass wall system made of multi-pane safety glass. It is mounted on masonry, concrete spars or sheet pile walls for permanent use. Without restricting the visible area, ideal flood protection can be realized, e.g. for urban areas. The terra glass wall system blends harmoniously into the landscape and offers an unobstructed view.
The glass elements consist of multi-pane safety glass in accordance with static requirements. Additional panes can be provided on the land and water sides to protect the supporting panes of toughened or partially toughened laminated glass. These additional panes have no static function - so even if they are damaged, the safety of the protective system is guaranteed.
The dimensions of the panes can be varied; they are determined according to static and aesthetic conditions. We manufacture the surrounding frame from a stainless steel or aluminum profile with an internal EPDM rubber seal. The safety glass with frame is fixed stress-free by means of EPDM profiles on the welded aluminum or stainless steel support. The verified static calculations are part of the system documentation. The visual effect of a glass wall construction can be further increased by coloring the metal construction.
- Alternative to interfering masonry to ensure daylight penetration
- Protected areas at tourist attractive locations, e.g. terraces, viewing platforms, etc.
- Protected areas that are not accessible for the installation of mobile systems
- Locations with very short warning times that do not permit the installation of mobile systems
- Public areas with high demands on architecture and urban design
- Architecturally attractive flood protection solution, especially in dense built-up areas
- No visual obstruction
- High corrosion and weather resistance