For thousands of years, rivers and coastal areas have been preferred settlement areas for humans. In recent centuries, river courses have been straightened and forced into narrow channels, floodplains have become more densely populated and forests have been cleared. The consequences of these interventions are climate change and a growing number of environmental disasters. Floods, which used to occur only once every hundred years, are becoming more frequent.
Experts agree that there is an urgent need for action: floods already rank first in Europe in terms of damage statistics. The damage, some of which is foreseeable, can often be prevented with consistent flood protection tailored to local conditions. Flood protection is therefore one of the most important preventive tasks of the affected communities, cities, counties and states.
Competent flood protection takes into account all requirements with regard to safety and the environment. Taking local requirements and economic principles into account, we are constantly developing new situation-specific solutions. Every application sets different priorities. Flood protection facilities have to be versatile, they have to meet a wide range of requirements. A basic distinction is made between permanent and temporary flood protection systems.
terra infrastructure is one of the world's renowned suppliers in the field of flood protection technology. We offer a wide range of high-quality products and diverse technical services in the field of hydraulic engineering and water management.

In inner cities, ports, and industrial zones, and on road and rail crossings, permanently installed structures are often a hindrance. In these applications our terra stop log system can be used as a temporary measure instead of cost-intensive permanent solutions.
The system comprises just a few aluminium elements that can be installed at different heights. More elements can be fitted later to respond flexibly to changing conditions. The terra stop log system is approved by the Europaver-band Hochwasserschutz e. V. and has already proved successful as a temporary flood protection measure in numerous applications. It is a modular system and consisting of the following elements: terra stop logs, posts with or without back stays, clamping devices, anchor plates, and bottom seal.
We can supply specially adapted flood protection equipment for doors, windows or other building openings.

Our proven steel sheet piling is the classic solution for flood protection. A flexible and highly cost-effective solution, it has been used for decades all around the world. Mostly used for permanent systems, steel sheet piling can also serve as a base for temporary systems. This opens up a wide range of possibilities for the design of optimum flood defense solutions.
Since natural regulation of flood hazards is seldom sufficient, a wide variety of fixed engineering construction measures, such as dike construction, bank stabilization, protective walls, water retention basins, and dike or bank elevations, are implemented. These permanent flood protection systems are an integral part of the infrastructure. They permanently shape the appearance of landscapes or towns.
The enormous costs of such major projects demand not only convincing proof of safety but also, and above all, economically justifiable planning concepts. Here, terra infrastructure's steel sheet piles are particularly recommended, as they have long since proven themselves worldwide as an ideal and versatile construction material, precisely because of their high cost-effectiveness.
Where visual and aesthetic requirements play an important role, e.g. in vacation resorts or recreational areas, our glass wall systems are the ideal solution. They are ideally suited to guarantee permanent flood protection without obstructing the view of the landscape or other sights.

Enormous property damage also occurs inside buildings as a result of a flood event. A protection system that precisely takes into account the specific requirements of the property is therefore an important preventive measure in all flood-prone areas. Therefore, we develop an individual and site-specific solution in cooperation with our clients.
In addition, our special solutions are used for short-term increases in the flood protection line and for new construction of sheet pile solutions.
related products
Permanent Flood Protection
A variety of fixed engineering construction activities such as dike construction, bank stabilization, protective walls, water retention basins, and dike or bank raising.
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Temporary Flood Protection
In city centers, port and industrial areas or road and rail crossings, temporary measures can be used instead of permanently installed structures.
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Special Solutions Flood Protection
A protection system that precisely takes into account the specific requirements of a property is an important preventive measure in all flood-prone areas.
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Related services
Technical Office
On request, we take care of all aspects of project planning, such as tenders, statics, calculations and more.
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